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Chemical Engineering Reference Manual, 7th Ed
PDF Download Chemical Engineering Reference Manual, 7th Ed
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About the Author
Michael R. Lindeburg, PE, is one of the best-known authors of engineering textbooks and references. His books and courses have influenced millions of engineers around the world. Since 1975, he has authored over 40 engineering reference and exam preparation books. He has spent thousands of hours teaching engineering to students and practicing engineers. He holds bachelor of science and master of science degrees in industrial engineering from Stanford University.
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Product details
Paperback: 1144 pages
Publisher: PPI, A Kaplan Company; Seventh edition (September 1, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1591264103
ISBN-13: 978-1591264101
Product Dimensions:
8.5 x 2.5 x 11 inches
Shipping Weight: 5.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
3.2 out of 5 stars
17 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#528,718 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
This publisher has released half a dozen books in this series, for various major (Mechanical engineering, civil engineer, chemical engineering, etc). As a result, this book contains a huge amount of material that's mostly relevant to the other exams. The chemical engineering specific portions are fairly thin, and could use more detail.In particular, the kinetics section was only 5 pages, 1 of which was a glossary page for common terms. It does a decent job of collecting useful formulas/equations, but I feel like the same content could have been presented in 1/3 the pages for 1/3 the price.Buy a used copy if you can get one, it isn't worth the full price.
You know, if you pay $250 for a book, you would probably expect quality. I have only been studying the content for a few days, so it is difficult for me to judge this too harshly, but see attached photo for what my book started to look like after about an hour of studying. This book needs to be a hard cover, plain and simple. Does Perry's come in a paperback? No. This book was meant to be a reference that you keep forever, not some cheap Sparknotes "Chemical PE Exam for Dummies."Unfortunately, you don't really have a choice. This has the best content for studying for the PE exam, so you kind of have to buy it. The publisher probably knows this. But I'm hoping that by giving it 1 star, they will realize that content isn't everything.Look, I get that a hard cover would make the book more expensive, and potentially super heavy. But this is basically unusable. You can't sell a book with a paper-thin cover that tears from CAREFULLY opening and closing it.
I purchased this book to use for studying for the PE exam. The examples have a lot of typos and the units aren’t always correct. I spend more time trying to figure out if the book made a mistake in its calculations because of the typos or if I made a mistake in my calculation. The solution to the examples are confusing and skips critical steps so they are hard to follow.
This was an excellent review manual for the PE exam. I used only this review book along with the practice problem and quick reference companion to study for the test, and passed the exam on the first try. I also use this as a great reference manual at work as well.
Seems to have the perfect balance of material. I've always found Perry's Handbook to be surprisingly un-useful in terms of understanding and setting up specific problems. This volume is much better that way. There are a lot of reference tables in the back that I have not seen elsewhere. I used this book a lot during the exam, along with my subject-specific books (thermo, kinetics, etc.).
Especially if you don't study much (like me). 90-95% of what you need for the exam is in here, and easily accessible. I did take in my unit ops textbook and separations text book, but only used them once or twice during the exam for more complex problems. Speed is key and this is where this manual will help you shine.
Hey Lindsey, why not mention what sections are missing? Would be helpful.Content is solid. My particular issue is that my book was poorly bound / glued and pages came loose. And, as anyone interested in this book would know, loose leaf pages are not allowed.Offer this book in a hardcover. Or, better yet, for $260 it should only come in a hardcover. A book like this should last for years.Cheap ass publisher.
If you were like me and sold your textbooks back in college, this book will help you pass the PE exam. It won't be your only book: a little light on reaction kinetics, and Perry's will have a good chunk of the answers as well, but overall a great reference. I used it as a study outline and then as a reference manual during the exam. Had no binding problems like one of the previous reviewers. Also holds its re-sale value, making the price sting a little bit less.
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